
1/31/2024: Our "Contact Us" form is one of the best ways to get a hold of us. We will respond usually within a day.

R. McLagan
 has been creating comfortable, durable and efficient homes since 1972 with home performance services.  The core principal of these services is that every system in a house is interrelated, which enhances the livability and efficiency of a home.

Designing and building new homes, along with remodeling and retrofitting of existing homes, to be comfortable, with energy  efficiency and indoor air quality, continues to be our focus.  With 40+ years experience considering the whole picture, we offer  unbiased guidance and consultation for avoiding and solving livability issues.

Your concerns for a home without problems of comfort, moisture and safety, can be answered by an impartial professional.  We can improve the livability of your home  using building science and a whole house system approach.  Our services are available within 60 to 100 miles of our central location in Saratoga County, NY. 

Call us with your home improvement needs: for a comprehensive home assessment with an energy audit and report, or to discuss our other home performance services.



R. McLagan, Inc., 14 Kings Court, Clifton Park, NY   518-383-2421